Clamp SM 60-22
New productItem #2410753
Accessories for your SM 60-22 miter saw, such as foldable universal cutting stand, dust bag, dust collector, and clamp
- Accessory type: Clamps
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Accessories – foldable universal cutting table, dust bag, dust collector, and material clamp as standard accessories to keep your SM 60-22 miter saw in working order}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_01, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 01}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Compatible extras – full blade portfolio, vacuum cleaner, batteries, and chargers to help extend your SM 60-22 miter saw’s range of use}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_02, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 02}
- HiltiFeatureData{, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{, unit=null, value=Universal cutting stand – foldable stand including bars for mounting your miter saw}], id=CHA_APPLICATION_01, multiValue=false, name=Application 01}