Piston X-76-P-ENP
New productItem #285488
Accessories for DX 76 and DX 860 powder-actuated nailers
- For use with (tools): DX 76, DX 76 MX, DX 860 ENP
- Additional accessory information: X-76-P-ENP piston for the DX 76 or DX 860-ENP (European version) for ENP decking fasteners
- HiltiFeatureData{super=com.hilti.holng.facades.product.data.HiltiFeatureData@5623907e, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{super=com.hilti.holng.facades.product.data.HiltiFeatureValueData@2e698cdc, unit=null, value=Accessories for DX 76 and DX 860 nailers}], id=CHA_APPLICATION_01, multiValue=false, name=Application 01}