Pipe adapter SCM PCA
New productItem #2149415
Accessories for circular saws such as guide rails, clamps and tool cases
- Accessory type: Adapter pipe cutting
- Product information: "Pipe cutting adapter for the SCM 22-A for pipes from 60 mm to 1000 mm with max. wall thickness of 6 mmSCM PCA"
- Additional accessory information: Pipe cutting adapter for the SCM 22-A for pipes from 60 mm to 1000 mm with max. wall thickness of 6 mmSCM PCA
- HiltiFeatureData{super=com.hilti.holng.facades.product.data.HiltiFeatureData@9c5f43f9, dimension=LANGUAGE, lovDimension=null, featureType=TEXT, featureValueList=[HiltiFeatureValueData{super=com.hilti.holng.facades.product.data.HiltiFeatureValueData@bcd23d26, unit=null, value=High-quality Hilti accessories for maximum productivity}], id=CHA_ADVANTAGE_01, multiValue=false, name=Advantage 01}