Hilti Stores FAQs

How can I find the nearest Hilti Store?

Click here to find your local Hilti Store.

What time does my local Hilti Store close?

Click here to find your local Hilti Store opening times.

How can i check the stock of my local Hilti Store?

If you're registered on Hilti Online, you can check the availability of stock in your local store from the Shopping Basket.

Simply add an item to your shopping basket, go to your basket, and click the Check Stock link.


Fast battery testing is available in every store

For all other tools we recommend booking repairs online from the Your Tools menu. This offers a quicker and smoother experience. Our stores are also available if you need further support.    

Where can i get the copy of an invoice?

To obtain a copy of an invoice online, log into your account and click on Order History. From here you can select an order and request a copy of the invoice.

Alternatively, you can call Customer Services on 0800 886 100.
